
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jewish Learning

Jewish Learning

1. Who are the audiences for these websites? Do they successfully reach out to these audiences?
Single desperate Jewish men over the age of 35 that love Justin Bieber. They successfully reach out to these people but the website looks pitiful to other people.

2. How do these websites interact with their visitors? Name two ways and indicate which one does it best.
They used sensationalized stories, ugly pictures of Justin Bieber, and ads for J-Wed Jewish dating site.

3. How does each of these groups/movements/organizations use technology to create a “fence” around the Torah? Are there “gates”?
Depending on the website, each website offers different options. For example, some websites have advertising for only Jewish dating sites, while others have ads for all religion dating sites.

4. Do you find that each of these websites is in line with how its creator uses and interprets Jewish law?
If the creators meant for the sites to relate to their interpretation of Jewish law, they sure didn’t show it.

5. If you were to add something to these websites, what would it be (i.e. what are they missing)?
Stuff that actually relates to the topic we are researching and/or what the website is actually supposed to be about.-

social justice

1. Who are the audiences for these websites? Do they successfully reach out to these audiences?
Jewish college students

2. How do these websites interact with their visitors? Name two ways and indicate which one does it best. 
JFJ has a thorough database on everything.
JDC has videos.
The database is more effective because it can appeal to everyone, no matter what topic they care about.

3. How does each of these groups/movements/organizations use technology to create a “fence” around the Torah? Are there “gates”?
They try to create a certain area of

4. Do you find that each of these websites is in line with how its creator uses and interprets Jewish law?

5. If you were to add something to these websites, what would it be (i.e. what are they missing)?

Jazzy Jews

Youth and Culture

1. Who are the audiences for these websites? Do they successfully reach out to these audiences?
Hip young adults, particularly Jews. They do successfully reach out to these audiences because they draw your attention in gnarly ways.

2. How do these websites interact with their visitors? Name two ways and indicate which one does it best.
The websites have bright colors and attention-snatching pictures. does this BEST!

3. How does each of these groups/movements/organizations use technology to create a “fence” around the Torah? Are there “gates”?
They expand the boundaries of the Torah to include modern culture. even hosts non Jewish performers to attract a wider audience.

4. Do you find that each of these websites is in line with how its creator uses and interprets Jewish law?
The creators of the websites interpret the Jewish laws liberally, but still with respect to the laws. They make it so that the reader doesn’t have to just read about Jewish laws.

5. If you were to add something to these websites, what would it be (i.e. what are they missing)?
They could also include local teenagers like NOAR students, and videos or interactive pieces, which would attract more a different range of viewers.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

1. Who are the audiences for these websites? Do they successfully reach out to these audiences?
Israelis, Americans, and Zionists. They successfully reach out to the audiences because they clearly state whom they are advocating for, why and how.

2. How do these websites interact with their visitors? Name two ways and indicate which one does it best.
New Israel fund has catchy colors and bold lettering which interacts well
1.     Who are the audiences for these websites? Do they successfully reach out to these audiences?
This is targeted at Jewish college students. It’s meant to help Jewish students to connect with other Jewish people/organizations in their area.

2.     How do these websites interact with their visitors? Name two ways and indicate which one does it best. catches attention because it talks about topics most Jews-and most people-tend to avoid. I also liked because it seemed like it was really trying to reach out to Jewish students.

3. What are three things about this group of websites that was surprising to you?, because most Jewish sites only focus on religion, not bad TV shows or awkward first dates.

4. Would you use any of these websites outside of Noar? How and why (or not)?
If I had a project on this at school I would, but otherwise I probably would not.

5. If you were to add something to these websites, what would it be (i.e. what are they missing)?
I can’t see anything.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Email and Cookies

We should make an email server that sends us stuff but isnt anno ying and clogs up our news feed. Also, NOAR should get better pizza and serve cookies
The best way to improve temple would be to make it more technology interactive. I would create an app that when you take a picture of Hebrew text the app would translate it and show how to say it.

ideas for technology

we should have promethean boards in the class rooms for interactive learning

Technology At Noar

I think a great idea to have at Noar would to have a cafe where we would get to go on computers and I-pads supplied by the temple. Maybe once a month or every other month, the students would get to go in a cafe in the temple which would have drinks and snacks. Laptops and I-pads would be supplied and in a closet or cabinet which the students could get and the students could have online discussions while eating and drinking their snacks and drinks. The online discussions would be posted on and the teachers would come up with a few discussion questions or starters and throughout the class the students could have online discussions while eating and drinking.


HOLA MAH PEEPS! HOW U DOOINNN?!?! I AM at noar and it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo "fun" YAYYYYYYY! YAHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I LOVE NOAR SO DARN TOOTIN MUCH!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1